Most of the challenges of dryland management are found at the local level, where they constitute the day-today reality of communities and farmers. Communities need support to be more resilient and communites and households need targeted investments to put new approaches into effect. In targeted microwatersheds
Activities to be implemented under this component
This subcomponent aims to develop the capacity of Community Based Organisations (CBO) who are working towards bringing desired improvements to a community's social, health, well-being, and overall functioning. It also supports citizen engagement in the design and implementation of integrated micro-watershed plans using participatory approaches
This is aimed at reaching and supporting farmers especially women–led/owned enterprises/organizations/cooperatives with agricultural assets or services.
Projects we are implementig under this component
Kebbi State is participating in the ACReSAL project which is a multi-sectoral and multi-institutional scheme, covering Environment, Agriculture and Water. The project is to support the state combat desertification, restore degraded lands and special ecosystems for agriculture and biodiversity conservation.