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Landscape Restoration in Community Selected Degraded Areas

Landscape Restoration in Community Selected Degraded Areas

using an approach pioneered by FAO in both northern Nigeria and other dryland areas in western Africa, using the Delfino plough which mimics the traditional half-moon water harvesting technique. It is composed of hybrid agroforestry models on communal lands which include plant species chosen by the communities, which produce non-timber forestry products, such as: fodder, acacia (gum Arabic), balanites, bee-keeping, nuts, mushrooms, and mixed planting with grains such as millet and sorghum. Improved pasture and rangeland management and restoration could also be included. Prioritized community infrastructure investments can also be supported. In community-selected degraded areas, the project will scale-up a restoration approach pioneered by FAO. The investment activities for community-led landscape restoration for the ACRESAL Project are: × Provision of Delfino ploughs, tractors and other equipment × Access to agricultural inputs, sowing, planting, maintenances × Value chain investments (examples: hay, acacia, balanite) → Storage facilities → Support for processing enterprises × Establishing community nurseries for selected agroforestry species × Extension services to support community led landscape restoration activities × Procurement of motorbikes, vehicles and provision of technical assistance (support field activities)